論文徵稿領域分為: Paper Submission Categories : (1)
機電電子與資通訊 Mechatronics, Electronics, and Information & Communication Technology
半導體與光電科技 Semiconductor and Optoelectronic Technology (3)
化工製程與尖端材料 Chemical Processes and Advanced Materials
綠色能源與環保科技 Green Energy and Environmental Technology (5)
健康醫療與生物科技 Healthcare and Biotechnology (6)
健康照護與社區關懷 Health Care and Community Care (7)
大數據與人工智慧 Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (8)
其他創新應用、管理與設計 Other Innovative Applications, Management, and Design
投稿論文者須於研討會當日以海報方式發表研發成果。 Authors submitting papers must present their research findings in a poster format on the day of the conference.
評審項目包含論文及海報兩部分: Evaluation criteria include both the paper and the poster presentation :
論文稿內容 Paper content (30%)
海報美工 Poster design (30%)
創新與應用價值 Innovation and application value
領獎時請務必出席,未出席者獎項不予頒發。 Award recipients must be present at the ceremony to receive their prizes. Absentees will forfeit their awards. |
研發創意實物競賽須具備實際作品參賽,由大會遴聘企業專家於現場實地評審,參與競賽作品均需張貼海報,並有專人於現場解說。 The Research and Innovation Prototype Competition requires participants to submit a tangible prototype for evaluation. A panel of industry experts, appointed by the organizing committee, will conduct on-site assessments. Each competing project must display a poster, and designated representatives must be present to explain their work.
研發創意實物競賽須有實體及海報展示,其海報內容應含: The competition requires both a physical prototype and a poster presentation. The poster should include :
(1)作品摘要 Project Summary
(2)應用技術與方法 Applied Technologies and Methods
(3)商業潛力 Commercial Potential
(4)創新性 Innovation
(5)應用價值 Application Value
所有參與競賽的作者均須準備海報於研討會當天張貼。 All participants must prepare a poster for display on the day of the conference.
評審計分標準為: Evaluation criteria and scoring :
海報美工 Poster design (10%)
實物操作 Prototype Demonstration
創新性 Innovation
商業潛力 Commercial Potential
應用價值 Application Value
領獎時請務必出席,未出席者獎項不予頒發。 Award recipients must be present at the ceremony to receive their prizes. Absentees will forfeit their awards. |